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Guide to Cement-Based Integrated Pavement Solutions

Product Code: SR035
Pricing $0.00
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This guide provides a clear, concise, and cohesive presentation of cement-bound materials options for 10specific engineering pavement applications: new concrete pavements, concrete overlays, pervious concrete, precast pavements, roller-compacted concrete, cement-treated base, full-depth reclamation with cement, cement-modified soils, recycled concrete aggregates, and repair and restoration.

Each application is presented as a method for meeting specific design and construction objectives that today’s pavement practitioners must accomplish. The benefits, considerations, brief description, and summary of materials, design, and construction requirements, as well as a list of sustainable attributes, are provided for every solution.

This guide is intended to be short, simple, and easy to understand. It was designed so that the most up-to-date and relevant information is easily extractable. It is not intended to be used as a design guide for any of the applications identified herein. Recommendations for additional information that can provide such details are given at the end of each solution discussion.

The intended audience is practitioners, including engineers and managers who face decisions regarding what materials to specify in the pavement systems they design or manage. The audience also includes city and county engineers, along with the A/E firms that often represent them, and state DOT engineers at all levels who are seeking alternatives in this era of changing markets.

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